Other UNCG Opportunities

The AiR Program encourages Honors College students with a preexisting passion for the arts to explore and develop their creative vision over a full academic year. It concludes with a showcase of the students’ work.

To learn more, go to https://honorscollege.uncg.edu/life-at-llyod/artist-in-residence/

The U-RISE Program at UNCG is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and seeks to increase the number of individuals from groups that are underrepresented in biomedical sciences by preparing students for high-caliber graduate training at the Ph.D. level. This program is NOT for students who want to pursue a (M.D.) medical degree. The U-RISE Program is for students who want to earn a Ph.D.

To learn more, go to https://urise.uncg.edu/

UNCG-McNair provides 25 UNCG undergraduate students with opportunities to complete research with faculty mentors, attend the UNCG-McNair Summer Research Institute, explore graduate school options, and prepare for graduate-level studies. Ultimately, the goal of UNCG-McNair – and all Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Programs – is to diversify faculty demographics across the nation by providing experience and training to students typically under-represented in the academy.

To learn more, go to https://success.uncg.edu/departments/opportunity-programs/trio/uncg-mcnair-scholars-program/

The STAMPS (Science, Technology and Math Preparation Scholarships) Program at UNCG is supported by the National Science Foundation. It offers scholarships of up to $4,600 per year for academically talented undergraduate students in the sciences. STAMPS provides financial and community support for undergraduate students who are majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematical Sciences, or Physics and Astronomy.

To learn more, go to https://stamps.uncg.edu/

The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award (ULURA) is given in recognition of an outstanding original research project or paper in any media. Created by an undergraduate student or students at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), successful individual or group projects will demonstrate the ability to locate, select, and synthesize information from scholarly resources. The winning entry will receive a $500 cash prize funded by the University Libraries.

  • New deadline: TBA

To learn more, go to https://library.uncg.edu/info/events_and_awards/undergraduate_research_award.aspx

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