RCR Training: Data Acquisition, Management, and Sharing Best Practices

MHRA (Room 2711) 1111 Spring Garden St., Greensboro, NC, United States

RCR (Responsible Conduct of Research) training Data Acquisition, Management, and Sharing Best Practices   *Registration required: https://workshops.uncg.edu/event/rcr-training-data-acquisition-management-and-sharing-best-practices/   Room #: MHRA 2711   Speakers: Dr. Martin Halbert

Applying to Grad School

143 Shaw Residence Hall, Tillman-Smart Room

This session will focus on the overall graduate school application process and how to create a timeline and "to-do" list of all the application steps. We'll also cover where/how to take graduate level admissions tests you may need, how to ask for letters of recommendation. Guest Speaker: Career Coach Kristina … Continued

RCR Training: Human Subjects – Navigating IRB

MHRA (Room 2711) 1111 Spring Garden St., Greensboro, NC, United States

RCR (Responsible Conduct of Research) training Human Subjects Research: Navigating IRB   *Registration Required: https://workshops.uncg.edu/event/rcr-training-human-subjects-navigating-irb/   Room #: MHRA 2711   Speakers: Megan Barton and Dr. Cindy Bacon