Expo Winners and Participants
2023 Expo Winners
1st Place: Brendan Diaz (Psychology), Mentor: Brittany Cassidy (Psychology), An Attractiveness Halo on Perceived Friendliness is Stronger for Direct versus Averted Gaze Faces
2nd Place: Kerry Cope (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Jin Su (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Exploring the Role of Universal Design in Promoting Awareness of Sustainability
3rd Place: Audrey Day (Psychology), Mentor: Janet Boseovski (Psychology), Effect of Parenting Status on Children’s Perceptions of Women’s Leadership in STEM Fields
Honorable Mentions: Cameron Sturgis (Psychology), Mentor: Suzanne Vrshek-Schallhorn (Psychology), Impacts of Discrimination Among College Students: A Mixed-Method Examination; Breanna Rogers (Psychology), Mentor: Blair Wisco (Psychology), The Sociocultural Context of Borderline Traits
1st Place: Theresa Cole (Classical Studies), Mentor: Joanne Murphy (Classical Studies), Regional Trade on the island
2nd Place: Jessica Linn (Anthropology), Mentor: Donna Nash (Anthropology), The Intersection of Material Culture and Mortality: Assessing Ethnic and Social Differentiation in the Tombs of Yaracachi Cemetery, Peru
3rd Place: Rebecca Kefer (Social Work), Mentor: Heather Adams (English), Communicating Wellness: Tacit Messages in Healthy Client Take-Home Literatures
Honorable Mentions: Haley Cline (History), Mentor: James Anderson (History), Building an Image: Restructuring the Identity and Femininity of Chinese Women from 1949-1976; Anna-Kristina Hoffman (Archaeology) Mentor: Linda Stine (Archaeology), Urban Renewal Project and Warnersville
1st Place: Sarah Korb (Biochemistry, Senior), Mentor: Kimberly Petersen (Chemistry), Enantioselective Tandem Deprotection-Cyclization of Alcohols to Form Lactones
2nd Place: Daniel Araya (Biology), Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Expression of Pyrococcus furiosus thioredoxin (PfTrx) in transgenic tobacco for enhanced abiotic stress tolerance
3rd Place (tie): Kate Tirrell (Biology, Post-Bac) and Kristen Mitchell (Biology, Post-Bac) Mentor: Amy Adamson (Biology), Epstein-Barr Virus Replication Triggers Cancer Cells to Migrate; Madison Gullett (Physics & Astronomy, Senior), Mentor: Alicia Aarnio (Physics & Astronomy), Understanding Magnetic Field Generation in Intermediate-Mass Young Stars
Honorable Mentions: Eric Whisnant (Biology), Daniel Araya, Willy Piña, and Abdalkader Salaimeh, Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Accessing natural variation in grain size in tef (Eragrostis tef) genotypes for genetic improvements; Karabuning Kupradit (Biology), Mentor: Ramji Bhandari (Biology), Inherited Toxicity: How the Legacy of Plastic Pollution Altered Future Generations’ Susceptibility to Emerging Chemicals of Concern
1st Place: Amabel Prisk (Theatre), Mentor: Janet Allard (Theatre), Retelling the Life of Grace Sherwood: Exploring the Process of Playwriting
2nd Place: Claire Haneberg (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), An Investigation of Composer Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Included in The Texas UIL List
3rd Place: Jonah Carrel (Dance), Mentor: Teresa Heiland (Dance), Restaging Contemporary Dance on Male Bodies Using LMA and Motif Notation
1st Place: Zaire Miles-Moultrie (Marketing and Art) Mentor: Jennifer Reis (Art), The Lion, The Jackal, and The Man
2nd Place: Laura Hernandez (Art) Mentor: Jennifer Meanley (Art) In the (Good) Old Days
3rd Place: Lily McQuillen (Theatre), Mentor: Roberto Arce-Martinez (Theatre), What Are You Doing
Honorable Mention: Ashe Smith (Art) and Amabel Prisk (Theatre), Mentors: Leah Sobsey (Art) and Tara Webb (Theatre), CVPA Pollinator Project: Connecting community and nature through art
1st Place: Meghan Ciavardone (English), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), A Look at How Musical Techniques are Used in Music Therapy and The Effectiveness of Music Therapy
2nd Place: Aspasia Gardner (Psychology), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), How does childhood abuse impact a person’s adulthood?
3rd Place: Megan Wilson (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The history of female hysteria continues to have detrimental impacts on the perceptions and medical treatments of women today
Honorable Mentions: Christian North (Media Studies, Sophomore), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), How the Punk Movement Came to House so Many White Supremacists; Katelyn Garton (Biology), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Vector-borne disease in a warming climate and what it means for humans; Vishva Patel (Mathematics & Statistics, Junior) Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Fallout of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Prior Years Programs and Winners
Business, Education, Social And Behavioral Sciences
1st Place: Maegan Ferguson (Anthropology), Mentor: Charles Egeland (Anthropology), A Comparative Study of Agonistic and Affiliative Behavior in Captive and Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
2nd Place: Kerry Cope (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Jin Su (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Sustainability in Fashion in a Post-COVID World: Investigating Generation Z College Students’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behavior toward Sustainable Fashion Apparel
3rd Place: Logan Sprinkle (Kinesiology) and Angelina Xiong (Psychology), Mentor: KyoungShin Park (Kinesiology), Rhythmic Exercise with Music in Adults with Cognitive Decline and Caregivers
Honorable Mention: Dana Whitehead (Psychology), Cristina Nicole Angell (Psychology), Amanda Richardson(Psychology), Malaysia Kenan(Psychology), and Autumn Frandock (Psychology), Mentor: Michaeline Jensen (Psychology), Exploration of association between affective loneliness and physical isolation to alcohol consumption in adolescents
1st Place, Sophia Rosenberg (Religious Studies), Mentors: Gregory P. Grieve (Religious Studies), Video Games and The Problem of Evil: A “Xeno-Virtual-Ethnography” of the Videogame Valheim
2nd Place: Rene Marzuk (English), Mentor: Karen Kilcup (English), Rescuing Environmental Children’s Literature Created by Writers of Color and Child Authors in Nineteenth-Century America
3rd Place: Krista Savage-White (Languages, Literatures and Cultures), Mentor: Hewan Girma (African American Studies Program), Race and Identity: Finding the North Star Podcast
Honorable Mention: Cynth Torres (Religious Studies), Mentor: Dana Logan (Religious Studies), Feminist Witchcraft: Starhawk’s Reclaiming Collective and the Synthesis of the Political Witch
Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
1st Place: Page Turner (Biology, Senior), Mentor: Sally Koerner (Biology), Impact of burn frequency on arthropod communities in North Carolina longleaf pine savannas
2nd Place: Philip West (Chemistry, Senior), Mentor: Mitch Croatt (Chemistry), Towards the Total Synthesis of Ambuic Acid and Analogues
3rd Place: Patrick Gallagher (Biology, Senior), Mentor: Kasie Raymann (Biology), Antibiotic Exposure is Lethal to Developing Male Honey Bees
Honorable Mentions: Jennifer Obike (Biochemistry), Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Biochemistry), Optimized Extraction of Alkaloids from Kratom and Semi-Synthetic Derivatives; Zachary Bunch (Biology), Mentor: Sally Koerner (Biology), Impacts of invasion on the insect communities of Montanan rangelands
Performing Arts
1st Place: River Hedgepeth (Theatre), Mentor: Natalie Sowell (Theatre), The Gender Gallery
2nd Place: Clare Haneberg (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), An Investigation of Composer Race/Ethnicity of Compositions Included in State Orchestra Adjudication Festivals
3rd Place: Andrew Ralston (Music Education); Gracie Zielinski (Music, Sophomore); Kyra Totillo(Music) and Hanna Fishastion (Music, Sophomore), Mentors: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education) and Marjorie Bagley (Music), String Quartet no. 5 in C Minor Movement 1 “Rosa Parks” by Daniel Bernard Roumain
Honorable Mentions: Raven Sizemore (Music Education, Sophomore), Mentor: Randy Kohlenberg (Music Education), Discovering Diversity in Music
Visual Arts Exhibition
1st Place: Mary Nease (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Haeun Bang (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Beverly Hillbilly
2nd Place: Ashley Smith (Art), Mentors: Lee Walton (Art) and Nikki Blair (Art), Menagerie Du Macabre
3rd Place: Kasey Condon (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Haeun Bang (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Adaptive Clothing: Making Fashion Forward Clothes More Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Honorable Mentions: Gadisse Lee (Art, Senior), Mentor: Walton Lee (Art) and Leah Sobsey (Art), Intra
Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)
1st Place: Tiana Howard (Media Studies), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Disabling Barriers on Screen: The Fight for Representation and the End of Ableism
2nd Place: Katherine Wyrick (English), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Can Reading Make You a Better Person?
3rd Place: Selene Santiago-Lopez (International & Global Studies; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Indigenous Holistic Ways of Learning and Teaching within Educational Spaces
Honorable Mentions: Adeline Sallade (Psychology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Psychology of Sex Aggression: Inside the Criminal Mind; Alexa Villarreal (Public Health), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), What Is Critical Race Theory, Why Is It Banned in Schools, and Should It Be Taught in Schools?
Business, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences
1st Place: Laci Gray (Psychology), Mentors: Rosemary Nelson-Gray and Petery Delaney(Psychology), Memory and Emotions
2nd Place: Krista Westervelt (Peace and Conflict Studies); Mentor: Rebecca Adams (Gerontology/Social Work), Effect of Racial Disparities in Transportation Access on Older Adults in Chatham County
3rd Place: Joy Woods (International Business and Political Science); Mentor: Gregory McAvoy (Political Science), Japan in the Age of Immigration
Honorable Mentions: Myranda Cook (Psychology); Mentors: Blair Wisco (Psychology) and Cameron Pugach (Graduate Student), Coping Style as a Mediator between Social Support and PTSD Severity; Tatyana Farrow(Psychology); Mentor: Shaylene Nancekivell (Psychology), Blue Collar versus White Collar: How do Children View Intellectual and Physical Labor; Mia Hoskins (Anthropology); Mentor: Susan Andreatta (Anthropology), COVID-19 and the Local Food System in the Piedmont
1st Place: Joshua Malloy (Anthropology and Religious Studies), Mentors: Donna Nash and Charles Egeland (Anthropology), The Ritual Use of Animals in the Wari Empire
2nd Place: Alyssa Cavalieri (English) and Lady Carlin-Rojas (English); Mentors: Heather Adams (English) and Tracy Nichols (Public Health Education), Interactive Activism: Game Design as Advocacy Writing
3rd Place: Emily Moser (Classical Studies, Art History, and Painting); Mentor: Michiel Van Veldhuizen (Classical Studies), An Enduring Image of the Pythia: Embedded in Art History
Honorable Mention: Fabiola Minerali (Interior Architecture); Mentor: Asha Kutty (Interior Architecture), A Brewery Design Restoration in a Former Tobacco Warehouse; Eleni Econopouly (International & Global Studies); Mentors: Kathleen Macfie and Will Zang (International & Global Studies), Perceptions and Misconceptions of German Nationalism in the 21st Century
Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
1st Place: Shena Hutcherson (Biochemistry), Mentor: Derek Monroe (Kinesiology), Fitness, Cognition, and Brain Functional Connectivity in Identical Twins from the Human Connectome Project
2nd Place: Sky Kihuwa-Mani (Biology); Mentor: Joseph Santin (Biology), Use It or Lose It? Maybe Not: Enhanced excitability and fatigue resistance in breathing muscle after a month-long apnea in frogs
3rd Place: Robert Shepherd (Chemistry); Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Chemistry), Mycology vs. Malaria: The Use of Fungal Natural Products to Battle Malaria-Causing Plasmodium falciparum
Honorable Mentions: Jade Lyons (Biology, Senior); Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana PSY gene in cassava for enhanced carotenoid biosynthesis; Jennifer Obike (Biochemistry); Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Chemistry), Media and Strain Study for Enhanced Production of Cis-enone Resorcylic Acid Lactone
Performing Arts
1st Place: Gabriel Figuracion (Music Education), Triston Broadway (Music), Maguette Seye (Biology), and Damien Miles (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), Creating a Diverse Online Music Learning Community for Young Musicians
2nd Place: Kesia Cedeno-Ballard(Dance) and Azaria Gadson (Dance), Mentor: Duane Cyrus (Dance), The Resistance Project
3rd Place: Abigail Marshall (Dance), Mentor: Clarice Young (Dance), My Brother’s Keeper
Visual Arts Exhibition
1st Place: Sarah Chen (Photography), Mentor: Leah Sobsey (Photography), Seeing through isolation
2nd Place: Lee St. Clair (New Media and Design), Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design)
The Art of an Art Auction
3rd Place: Mia Jones (New Media and Design), Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design)
OTG (On the Grid)
Honorable Mentions: Christian Ellison (Printmaking and Drawing), Mentor: Christopher Thomas (Printmaking and Drawing), Handmade love of culture; Canyi Ma (Studio Art); Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design), BitterSweet; Abigail Dyer (Painting), Mentor: Barbara Thomas (Painting), Rest
Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)
1st Place: Beth Hall (Media Studies), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), An Argument for More and Better Female Representation in Comics
2nd Place: Caraline Malloy (Psychology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), She’s Not My Boss Unless She’s a Mother: The Potential Benefits of Being Both Agentic and Communal in Roles Traditionally Held by Men
3rd Place: Caroline Beers (Biology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), Origin of Dragons & How They Came to Be
Honorable Mentions: Ashton Reid (Family & Community Health); Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), What Are the Benefits of Music Therapy on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?; Andrea Tyson (Pre-Nursing), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), How Does Implicit Racial Bias Affect Healthcare for African-Americans?
Business, Education, Behavioral And Social Sciences
1st Place: Keichelle Joyce (Elementary Education, Special Education), Olivia Cook(Human Development and Family Studies), Mentor: Jennifer Coffman (Human Development and Family Studies), Relating Strategic Memory Skills to Math Calculation Performance in Kindergarten
2nd Place: Katherine Tardif and Margarito Martinez (Interior Architecture); Mentor: Asha Kutty, Utilizing Technologies to Examine the Designed Environment and Perception of Crime
3rd Place: Robert Tate (Geography); Mentor: Selima Sultana (Geography), African American Perspectives on United States National Parks and Visitation
Honorable Mention: Gabriel Parks (Communication Studies); Mentor: Jenni Simon (Communication Studies), An Alternative Sense-making Collective: A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Intellectual Dark Web
1st Place: Abigail Knight (Nursing) Mentor: Erin Lawrimore (University Libraries), War on the Homefront: Responses to the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 at Three North Carolina Colleges
2nd Place: Eliza Rosebrock (English and Art History), Mentor: Ben Clarke (English), The Damning Word: The People’s Side of Irish History in Frank Delaney’s Fiction
3rd Place: Irvin Maldonado (Art), Victoria Landers(Art), Filberto Hernandez (Business Administration); Mentors: Leah Sobsey and Adam Carlin (Art), The Lawn Sign Project
Honorable Mention: London Nance (Classical Studies); Mentor: Joanne Murphy (Classical Studies), The Archaic Temple of Apollo in Karthaia: A Case Study of the Interaction Between the Cultures of Mainland and Cycladic Greece
Mathematics, Life And Physical Sciences
1st Place: Deborah Killian (Biology), Mentors: Ramji Bhandari and Xuegeng Wang (Biology), Embryonic Development in Fish is Hindered by Exposure to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Glyphosate
2nd Place: Christopher Cotter (Biology); Mentors: Ayalew Osena and Zhenquan Jia (Biology), Evaluating the Antioxidant Properties of Phytochemical Extracts from the Ancient Grain Teff (Eragrostis tef)
3rd Place: Melika Osareh (Biology); Mentors: John Z. Kiss and Tatsiana Shymanovich, Analysis of Gravitational Stress-Resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants
Honorable Mentions: William Crandall(Chemistry); Mentor: Nadja Cech (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Fungal Compounds from the Underground Railroad Tree Inhibit Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Joseph Mangun (Chemistry); Mentor: Nadja Cech (Chemistry and Biochemistry) Applications of Artemisia annua for anti-malarial drugs
Performing Arts
1st Place: Alex Stewart (Music), Mentor: Mary Ashley Barret, The Bombarde Reed: Understanding the Design and Construction
2nd Place: Jacquelyn Whiteside(Theatre); Mentor: Deborah Bell (Theatre), Designing Costumes for Pippin, One of the School of Theatre’s Mainstage Productions
3rd Place: Taylor Barlow (Music); Mentor: Andrew Hudson (Music), Artificial Emotional Intelligence: Perfectly Imperfect Performance in Pierce Gradone Automaton
Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)
1st Place: Ethan McKellar (Art), Mentors: John Sopper (Grogan College) and Patricia Wasserboehr (Art), Impermanence: Collision
2nd Place: Bailey Thompson(Chemistry); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The “Mental Health Crisis”: The Adolescent Need for Accessible Treatment Plans
3rd Place: Diana Angeles (Pre-Health Studies); Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Factors Driving Hispanics in the USA to Avoid Professional Medical Care
Honorable Mentions: Eric Yan (Computer Science); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Effect of Historical Bias on the Portrayal of World War II Era Ground Vehicles in Pop Culture and Fiction; Asha Moore (Psychology); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Dependency, Dehumanization, and Insecurity: Analyzing Why Women Stay in Toxic Relationships
Humanities and Social Sciences
1st Place: Courtney Phillips (Nursing), Faculty Mentor: Susan Letvak, Nurse Practitioner Knowledge and Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study
2nd Place: Vanessa Enoch (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Sudha Shreeniwas, Trauma and Abuse Experience and Elevated Scalp Hair Cortisol Concentrations Among SE Asian Refugees in the US South
3rd Place: Kaitlyn Chaplin (Communication Studies), Ariana Chavez (Classical Studies), and Brianna Rogers (Classical Studies), Faculty Mentor: Killian Manning, There’s No Place Like Homescreen
Education and Behavioral Sciences
1st Place: Itzel Avila Ramirez (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Michaeline Jensen, Do Ethnic-Racial Socialization Messages Manifest in Technological Communication Between Romantic Partners of Latinx Heritage?
2nd Place: Sarah Ragab (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Michael Hemphill, The Transfer of Global Applications of Sport for Positive Youth Development
3rd Place: Brianna Ferraro (Specialized Education Services), Faculty Mentor: Roy Schwartzman, From Accommodation to Invitation: Roles Communication Centers Play in Acknowledging and Empowering People with Disabilities
Honorable Mention: Morgan Bryant (Interior Architecture), Faculty Mentor: Travis Hicks, The Ancillary Office: The Effects of Biophilia and Ergonomic Solutions within the Workplace; Aran Garnett-Deakin (Human Development and Family Studies) and Rachel Fuqua (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Heather Helms, A Meta-Analytic Review of the Associations between Marital Dissolution and Anxiety
Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
1st Place: Ayesha Ejaz (Chemistry), Faculty Mentor: Liam Duffy, Simulating a Microchip-based Stark Guide and Decelerator using Simion
2nd Place: Quashawn Chadwick (Biology & Biochemistry), Faculty Mentor: Ayalew Osena, Transgenic Tobacco with Archaeal Heat Stress Resistance
3rd Place: Ekaterina Ellyce San Pedro (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Yashomati Patel, Effect of the Regulatory Light Chain of MyosinII on Glut 4 Translocation to the Plasma Membrane
1st Place: Michael Newman (Theatre), Jordan Speas (Theatre), Steve Williams (Theatre), Auntais Faulkner (Theatre), Faculty Mentor: Denise Gabriel, MAMA (Mindfulness Arts Mindfulness Action)
Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)
1st Place: Isabell Cooper (Environmental and Sustainability Studies), Faculty Mentor: John Sopper, An Interactive Map of Holistic Veterinary Medicine
2nd Place: Ryan Peace (Political Science), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse on Black Men
3rd Place: De’Viona Lowery (Consumer Apparel & Retail Studies), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, Cancel Culture: Destroyer of Celebrities but How Does It Affect You?
Honorable Mention: Belle Downing (Community and Therapeutic Recreation), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, How Recreation Therapy Can Improve the Quality of Lives within Human Trafficking Survivors; Sydney Chamberlain (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, Cannibalism in Food Culture: Why Prions Need Regulation
Arts, Humanities and Education
1st Place: Sarah Duncan (Classical Studies), Faculty Mentor: Joanne Murphy, Akhenaten and Collapse in the Ancient State
2nd Place: Curran Fitzgerald (Antrhopology), Faculty Mentor: Donna Nash, Archaeoastronomical Analysis of Wari Ritual Spaces in the Osmore Valley, Peru
3rd Place: Dixie Ortiz (Music Education) and Jessica Lewis (Music), Faculty Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod, Near Peer Mentorship as a Model for Private Music Instruction
Honorable Mention: Joshua Kellum, Michael Newman, and Jordan Speas (Theatre), Faculty Mentors: Denise Gabriel, MAMA “Mindfulness Arts Mindful Actions”
Economics, Behavioral and Social Sciences
1st Place: Payton McGarry (Economics), Faculty Mentor: Stephen Holland UNCG and Intergenerational Mobility
2nd Place: Sierra Rufino (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Rosemery Nelson-Gray, Does Facial Emotion Recognition Affect Friendship?: Borderline Personality Disorder
3rd Place: Mengyun Li, Ruitong Li, Jessica Navarro, and Haley Morris (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Tudge, Developing Connective Gratitude: A Intervention Study
Honorable Mention: Dahlia Alharoon (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Paul Silvia, Daydreaming Styles and Brain Functional Connectivity; Jordan Richmond (International & Global Studies and Political Science), Faculty Mentors: Roberto Campo and Lynda Kellum, Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh: Sociocultural Underpinnings and Political Barriers to the 2016-2018 Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing Crisis; Alexus Threatt (Nursing), Faculty Mentors: Sandra Blaha and Leslie Davis, How Meditation Works: Understanding the Mechanisms Behind the Practice
Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
1st Place: Saman Baral and Shilpa Bhatia (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Olav Rueppell, Virus Resistance in Honeybees
2nd Place: Amanda Barclift (Kinesiology), Faculty Mentor: Louisa Raisbeck, The Effects of Attentional Focus in a Fine Motor Skill and Task Difficulty Interaction
3rd Place: Manead Khin (Chiemistry), Faculty Mentor: Nadja Cech, Macleaya cordata as a potential cure for MRSA’
Honorable Mention: Mark Perez (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Faculty Mentors: Mitchell Croatt and Mohammed Al-Hunti, Palladium Catalyzed Deoxygenation of Alcohols
Humanities, Business, Behavioral and Social Sciences
1st Place: Elexis Cole and Anna Sizemore (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Thanujeni Pathman, Autobiographical Memory Narratives and the Developing Brain
2nd Place: Sarah Pittman (Archaeology), Faculty Mentor: Joanne Murphy, Testing Survey Validity and Recreating Site Function in the Kea Archaeological Research Survey
3rd Place: Natalia Husby (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Gabriela Stein, Examining the Effects of Foreign-Based Discrimination on Academic Motivation of Latino Adolescents
Honorable Mention: Amanda Baeten (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Blair Wisco, The Association between Co-rumination and Social Anxiety in an Adult Sample
Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
1st Place: Nadjali Chung (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Faculty Mentor: Nadja Cech, Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Monitor Bacterial Growth
2nd Place: Cory Henderson (Anthropology and Biology), Faculty Mentor: Charles Egeland, Patterns of Hominin Land- Use and Raw Material Procurement in the Paleo-Olduvai Basin, Tanzania
3rd Place: JD Manzo and Ashley Sanchez (Kinesiology), Faculty Mentor: Christopher Rhea, Virtual Reality Obstacle Crossing Training for Potential Rehabilitative Advancements
Honorable Mention: Aaron Wagoner (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Matina Kalcounis-Ruppell, Monitoring Wildlife Biodiversity at Wetland Restoration Sites on the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) Campus; Eni Minerali (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Kimberly Petersen, Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantioenriched Cyclic Compounds
Health and Behavioral Sciences
1st Place: Rose Ewald and Sarah Howle, Mentor: Lauren Haldeman, Hypertension and Obesity in Low-Income, Immigrant, and Minority Adolescents
2nd Place: Fizah Zafar, Mentor: Dayna Touron, Does stereotype threat contribute to older adults’ avoidance of memory strategies?
Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences
1st Place: Elizabeth Wilson, Mentor: Linda Stine, Postbellum Agrarian Life: The Archaeology of Family, Self-reliance, and Thrift
2nd Place: Phillip Sheldon, Mentor: Gregory Grieve, Constantine’s Memory: Metaphor, Liturgy, and a Processional in the Forum of Constantine
3rd Place: Alaina Monts, Mentor: Sarah Cervenak, Don’t let me be Misunderstood: Meshell Ndegeocello, Liminality, and Radical Black Sexualities
Honorable Mention: Shannon Keller, Mentor: Maria Lim, A Case Study on relationships between Choice-based Art Education and Student’s Creative Thinking; Zoe Fishman, Mentor: Ray Schwartzman, Poems of the Holocaust: Tattooing the Truth; Marissa Server, Mentor: Jonathan Zarecki, Internal and External Motivations of the Late Republican Mob
1st Place: Nadjali Chung, Mentor: Nadja Cech, Glycerol as an Extraction Solvent for Botanical Extracts of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
2nd Place: Louis Sulit, Mentor: Karen Katula, Does Wnt5a transcript levels correlate with epigenetic profiles in HepG2 and Caco-2 cell lines?
3rd Place: Eni Minerali and Jennifer Wilent, Mentor: Kimberly Petersen, Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantioenriched Lactams
Honorable Mention: Osbin Perdomo and Sunbin Deng, Mentor: Alice Haddy, Comparison of PSII salt washing methods and their effects on oxygen evolution activity
Visual Arts
1st Place: Quinn Hunter, Mentor: Nikki Blair and Amy Purcell, My Inheritance
2nd Place: Margaret Bailey, Mentor: Amy Purcell, The Art of Rebranding
3rd Place: Isaac Smith, Mentor: Amy Purcell, Social Circle – Web Project
Honorable Mention: Sarah Kim, Artist in Residence (AiR), Vulnerability