2023 Expo Winners

1st Place: Brendan Diaz (Psychology), Mentor: Brittany Cassidy (Psychology), An Attractiveness Halo on Perceived Friendliness is Stronger for Direct versus Averted Gaze Faces

2nd Place: Kerry Cope (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Jin Su (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Exploring the Role of Universal Design in Promoting Awareness of Sustainability

3rd Place: Audrey Day (Psychology),  Mentor: Janet Boseovski (Psychology), Effect of Parenting Status on Children’s Perceptions of Women’s Leadership in STEM Fields

Honorable Mentions: Cameron Sturgis (Psychology), Mentor: Suzanne Vrshek-Schallhorn (Psychology), Impacts of Discrimination Among College Students: A Mixed-Method Examination; Breanna Rogers (Psychology), Mentor: Blair Wisco (Psychology), The Sociocultural Context of Borderline Traits

1st Place: Theresa Cole (Classical Studies), Mentor: Joanne Murphy (Classical Studies), Regional Trade on the island

2nd Place: Jessica Linn (Anthropology), Mentor: Donna Nash (Anthropology), The Intersection of Material Culture and Mortality: Assessing Ethnic and Social Differentiation in the Tombs of Yaracachi Cemetery, Peru

3rd Place: Rebecca Kefer (Social Work), Mentor: Heather Adams (English), Communicating Wellness: Tacit Messages in Healthy Client Take-Home Literatures

Honorable Mentions: Haley Cline (History), Mentor: James Anderson (History), Building an Image: Restructuring the Identity and Femininity of Chinese Women from 1949-1976; Anna-Kristina Hoffman (Archaeology) Mentor: Linda Stine (Archaeology), Urban Renewal Project and Warnersville

1st Place: Sarah Korb (Biochemistry, Senior), Mentor: Kimberly Petersen (Chemistry), Enantioselective Tandem Deprotection-Cyclization of Alcohols to Form Lactones

2nd Place: Daniel Araya (Biology), Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Expression of Pyrococcus furiosus thioredoxin (PfTrx) in transgenic tobacco for enhanced abiotic stress tolerance

3rd Place (tie): Kate Tirrell (Biology, Post-Bac) and Kristen Mitchell (Biology, Post-Bac) Mentor: Amy Adamson (Biology), Epstein-Barr Virus Replication Triggers Cancer Cells to MigrateMadison Gullett (Physics & Astronomy, Senior), Mentor: Alicia Aarnio (Physics & Astronomy), Understanding Magnetic Field Generation in Intermediate-Mass Young Stars

Honorable Mentions: Eric Whisnant (Biology), Daniel ArayaWilly Piña, and Abdalkader Salaimeh, Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Accessing natural variation in grain size in tef (Eragrostis tef) genotypes for genetic improvements; Karabuning Kupradit (Biology), Mentor: Ramji Bhandari (Biology), Inherited Toxicity: How the Legacy of Plastic Pollution Altered Future Generations’ Susceptibility to Emerging Chemicals of Concern

1st Place: Amabel Prisk (Theatre), Mentor: Janet Allard (Theatre), Retelling the Life of Grace Sherwood: Exploring the Process of Playwriting

2nd Place: Claire Haneberg (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), An Investigation of Composer Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Included in The Texas UIL List

3rd Place: Jonah Carrel (Dance), Mentor: Teresa Heiland (Dance), Restaging Contemporary Dance on Male Bodies Using LMA and Motif Notation

1st Place: Zaire Miles-Moultrie (Marketing and Art) Mentor: Jennifer Reis (Art), The Lion, The Jackal, and The Man

2nd Place: Laura Hernandez (Art) Mentor: Jennifer Meanley (Art) In the (Good) Old Days

3rd Place: Lily McQuillen (Theatre), Mentor: Roberto Arce-Martinez (Theatre), What Are You Doing

Honorable Mention: Ashe Smith (Art) and Amabel Prisk (Theatre), Mentors: Leah Sobsey (Art) and Tara Webb (Theatre), CVPA Pollinator Project: Connecting community and nature through art

1st Place: Meghan Ciavardone (English), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), A Look at How Musical Techniques are Used in Music Therapy and The Effectiveness of Music Therapy

2nd Place: Aspasia Gardner (Psychology), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), How does childhood abuse impact a person’s adulthood?

3rd Place: Megan Wilson (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The history of female hysteria continues to have detrimental impacts on the perceptions and medical treatments of women today

Honorable Mentions: Christian North (Media Studies, Sophomore), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), How the Punk Movement Came to House so Many White Supremacists; Katelyn Garton (Biology), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Vector-borne disease in a warming climate and what it means for humans; Vishva Patel (Mathematics & Statistics, Junior) Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Fallout of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Prior Years Programs and Winners

Download 2022 Program

Business, Education, Social And Behavioral Sciences

1st Place: Maegan Ferguson (Anthropology), Mentor: Charles Egeland (Anthropology), A Comparative Study of Agonistic and Affiliative Behavior in Captive and Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

2nd Place: Kerry Cope (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Jin Su (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Sustainability in Fashion in a Post-COVID World: Investigating Generation Z College Students’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behavior toward Sustainable Fashion Apparel

3rd Place: Logan Sprinkle (Kinesiology) and Angelina Xiong (Psychology), Mentor: KyoungShin Park (Kinesiology), Rhythmic Exercise with Music in Adults with Cognitive Decline and Caregivers

Honorable Mention: Dana Whitehead (Psychology), Cristina Nicole Angell (Psychology), Amanda Richardson(Psychology), Malaysia Kenan(Psychology), and Autumn Frandock (Psychology), Mentor: Michaeline Jensen (Psychology), Exploration of association between affective loneliness and physical isolation to alcohol consumption in adolescents


1st Place, Sophia Rosenberg (Religious Studies), Mentors: Gregory P. Grieve (Religious Studies), Video Games and The Problem of Evil: A “Xeno-Virtual-Ethnography” of the Videogame Valheim

2nd Place: Rene Marzuk (English), Mentor: Karen Kilcup (English), Rescuing Environmental Children’s Literature Created by Writers of Color and Child Authors in Nineteenth-Century America

3rd Place: Krista Savage-White (Languages, Literatures and Cultures), Mentor: Hewan Girma (African American Studies Program), Race and Identity: Finding the North Star Podcast

Honorable Mention: Cynth Torres (Religious Studies), Mentor: Dana Logan (Religious Studies), Feminist Witchcraft: Starhawk’s Reclaiming Collective and the Synthesis of the Political Witch

Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences

1st Place: Page Turner (Biology, Senior), Mentor: Sally Koerner (Biology), Impact of burn frequency on arthropod communities in North Carolina longleaf pine savannas

2nd Place: Philip West (Chemistry, Senior), Mentor: Mitch Croatt (Chemistry), Towards the Total Synthesis of Ambuic Acid and Analogues

3rd Place: Patrick Gallagher (Biology, Senior), Mentor: Kasie Raymann (Biology), Antibiotic Exposure is Lethal to Developing Male Honey Bees

Honorable Mentions: Jennifer Obike (Biochemistry), Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Biochemistry), Optimized Extraction of Alkaloids from Kratom and Semi-Synthetic Derivatives; Zachary Bunch (Biology), Mentor: Sally Koerner (Biology), Impacts of invasion on the insect communities of Montanan rangelands

Performing Arts

1st Place: River Hedgepeth (Theatre), Mentor: Natalie Sowell (Theatre), The Gender Gallery

2nd Place: Clare Haneberg (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), An Investigation of Composer Race/Ethnicity of Compositions Included in State Orchestra Adjudication Festivals

3rd Place: Andrew Ralston (Music Education); Gracie Zielinski (Music, Sophomore); Kyra Totillo(Music) and Hanna Fishastion (Music, Sophomore), Mentors: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education) and Marjorie Bagley (Music), String Quartet no. 5 in C Minor Movement 1 “Rosa Parks” by Daniel Bernard Roumain

Honorable Mentions: Raven Sizemore (Music Education, Sophomore), Mentor: Randy Kohlenberg (Music Education), Discovering Diversity in Music

Visual Arts Exhibition

1st Place: Mary Nease (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Haeun Bang (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Beverly Hillbilly

2nd Place: Ashley Smith (Art), Mentors: Lee Walton (Art) and Nikki Blair (Art), Menagerie Du Macabre

3rd Place: Kasey Condon (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Mentor: Haeun Bang (Consumer, Apparel, & Retail Studies), Adaptive Clothing: Making Fashion Forward Clothes More Accessible to the Physically Disabled

Honorable Mentions: Gadisse Lee (Art, Senior), Mentor: Walton Lee (Art) and Leah Sobsey (Art), Intra

Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)

1st Place: Tiana Howard (Media Studies), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Disabling Barriers on Screen: The Fight for Representation and the End of Ableism

2nd Place: Katherine Wyrick (English), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Can Reading Make You a Better Person?

3rd Place: Selene Santiago-Lopez (International & Global Studies; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Indigenous Holistic Ways of Learning and Teaching within Educational Spaces

Honorable Mentions: Adeline Sallade (Psychology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Psychology of Sex Aggression: Inside the Criminal Mind; Alexa Villarreal (Public Health), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), What Is Critical Race Theory, Why Is It Banned in Schools, and Should It Be Taught in Schools?

Download 2021 Program

Business, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences

1st Place: Laci Gray (Psychology), Mentors: Rosemary Nelson-Gray and Petery Delaney(Psychology), Memory and Emotions

2nd Place: Krista Westervelt (Peace and Conflict Studies); Mentor: Rebecca Adams (Gerontology/Social Work), Effect of Racial Disparities in Transportation Access on Older Adults in Chatham County

3rd Place: Joy Woods (International Business and Political Science); Mentor: Gregory McAvoy (Political Science), Japan in the Age of Immigration

Honorable Mentions: Myranda Cook (Psychology); Mentors: Blair Wisco (Psychology) and Cameron Pugach (Graduate Student), Coping Style as a Mediator between Social Support and PTSD Severity; Tatyana Farrow(Psychology); Mentor: Shaylene Nancekivell (Psychology), Blue Collar versus White Collar: How do Children View Intellectual and Physical Labor; Mia Hoskins (Anthropology); Mentor: Susan Andreatta (Anthropology), COVID-19 and the Local Food System in the Piedmont


1st Place: Joshua Malloy (Anthropology and Religious Studies), Mentors: Donna Nash and Charles Egeland (Anthropology), The Ritual Use of Animals in the Wari Empire

2nd Place: Alyssa Cavalieri (English) and Lady Carlin-Rojas (English); Mentors: Heather Adams (English) and Tracy Nichols (Public Health Education), Interactive Activism: Game Design as Advocacy Writing

3rd Place: Emily Moser (Classical Studies, Art History, and Painting); Mentor: Michiel Van Veldhuizen (Classical Studies), An Enduring Image of the Pythia: Embedded in Art History

Honorable Mention: Fabiola Minerali (Interior Architecture); Mentor: Asha Kutty (Interior Architecture), A Brewery Design Restoration in a Former Tobacco Warehouse; Eleni Econopouly (International & Global Studies); Mentors: Kathleen Macfie and Will Zang (International & Global Studies), Perceptions and Misconceptions of German Nationalism in the 21st Century

Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences

1st Place: Shena Hutcherson (Biochemistry), Mentor: Derek Monroe (Kinesiology), Fitness, Cognition, and Brain Functional Connectivity in Identical Twins from the Human Connectome Project

2nd Place: Sky Kihuwa-Mani (Biology); Mentor: Joseph Santin (Biology), Use It or Lose It? Maybe Not: Enhanced excitability and fatigue resistance in breathing muscle after a month-long apnea in frogs

3rd Place: Robert Shepherd (Chemistry); Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Chemistry), Mycology vs. Malaria: The Use of Fungal Natural Products to Battle Malaria-Causing Plasmodium falciparum

Honorable Mentions: Jade Lyons (Biology, Senior); Mentor: Ayalew Osena (Biology), Overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana PSY gene in cassava for enhanced carotenoid biosynthesis; Jennifer Obike (Biochemistry); Mentor: Nicholas Oberlies (Chemistry), Media and Strain Study for Enhanced Production of Cis-enone Resorcylic Acid Lactone

Performing Arts

1st Place: Gabriel Figuracion (Music Education), Triston Broadway (Music), Maguette Seye (Biology), and Damien Miles (Music Education), Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod (Music Education), Creating a Diverse Online Music Learning Community for Young Musicians

2nd Place: Kesia Cedeno-Ballard(Dance) and Azaria Gadson (Dance), Mentor: Duane Cyrus (Dance), The Resistance Project

3rd Place: Abigail Marshall (Dance), Mentor: Clarice Young (Dance), My Brother’s Keeper

Visual Arts Exhibition

1st Place: Sarah Chen (Photography), Mentor: Leah Sobsey (Photography), Seeing through isolation

2nd Place: Lee St. Clair (New Media and Design), Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design)
The Art of an Art Auction

3rd Place: Mia Jones (New Media and Design), Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design)
OTG (On the Grid)

Honorable Mentions: Christian Ellison (Printmaking and Drawing), Mentor: Christopher Thomas (Printmaking and Drawing), Handmade love of culture; Canyi Ma (Studio Art); Mentor: Kelley O’Brien (New Media and Design), BitterSweet; Abigail Dyer (Painting), Mentor: Barbara Thomas (Painting), Rest

Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)

1st Place: Beth Hall (Media Studies), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), An Argument for More and Better Female Representation in Comics

2nd Place: Caraline Malloy (Psychology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), She’s Not My Boss Unless She’s a Mother: The Potential Benefits of Being Both Agentic and Communal in Roles Traditionally Held by Men

3rd Place: Caroline Beers (Biology), Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Strong College), Origin of Dragons & How They Came to Be

Honorable Mentions: Ashton Reid (Family & Community Health); Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), What Are the Benefits of Music Therapy on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?; Andrea Tyson (Pre-Nursing), Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), How Does Implicit Racial Bias Affect Healthcare for African-Americans?

Download 2020 Program

Business, Education, Behavioral And Social Sciences

1st Place: Keichelle Joyce (Elementary Education, Special Education), Olivia Cook(Human Development and Family Studies), Mentor: Jennifer Coffman (Human Development and Family Studies), Relating Strategic Memory Skills to Math Calculation Performance in Kindergarten

2nd Place: Katherine Tardif and Margarito Martinez (Interior Architecture); Mentor: Asha Kutty, Utilizing Technologies to Examine the Designed Environment and Perception of Crime

3rd Place: Robert Tate (Geography); Mentor: Selima Sultana (Geography), African American Perspectives on United States National Parks and Visitation

Honorable Mention: Gabriel Parks (Communication Studies); Mentor: Jenni Simon (Communication Studies), An Alternative Sense-making Collective: A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Intellectual Dark Web


1st Place: Abigail Knight (Nursing) Mentor: Erin Lawrimore (University Libraries), War on the Homefront: Responses to the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 at Three North Carolina Colleges

2nd Place: Eliza Rosebrock (English and Art History), Mentor: Ben Clarke (English), The Damning Word: The People’s Side of Irish History in Frank Delaney’s Fiction

3rd Place: Irvin Maldonado (Art), Victoria Landers(Art), Filberto Hernandez (Business Administration); Mentors: Leah Sobsey and Adam Carlin (Art), The Lawn Sign Project

Honorable Mention: London Nance (Classical Studies); Mentor: Joanne Murphy (Classical Studies), The Archaic Temple of Apollo in Karthaia: A Case Study of the Interaction Between the Cultures of Mainland and Cycladic Greece

Mathematics, Life And Physical Sciences

1st Place: Deborah Killian (Biology), Mentors: Ramji Bhandari and Xuegeng Wang (Biology), Embryonic Development in Fish is Hindered by Exposure to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Glyphosate

2nd Place: Christopher Cotter (Biology); Mentors: Ayalew Osena and Zhenquan Jia (Biology), Evaluating the Antioxidant Properties of Phytochemical Extracts from the Ancient Grain Teff (Eragrostis tef)

3rd Place: Melika Osareh (Biology); Mentors: John Z. Kiss and Tatsiana Shymanovich, Analysis of Gravitational Stress-Resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants

Honorable Mentions: William Crandall(Chemistry); Mentor: Nadja Cech (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Fungal Compounds from the Underground Railroad Tree Inhibit Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); Joseph Mangun (Chemistry); Mentor: Nadja Cech (Chemistry and Biochemistry) Applications of Artemisia annua for anti-malarial drugs

Performing Arts

1st Place: Alex Stewart (Music)Mentor: Mary Ashley Barret, The Bombarde Reed: Understanding the Design and Construction

2nd Place: Jacquelyn Whiteside(Theatre); Mentor: Deborah Bell (Theatre), Designing Costumes for Pippin, One of the School of Theatre’s Mainstage Productions

3rd Place: Taylor Barlow (Music); Mentor: Andrew Hudson (Music), Artificial Emotional Intelligence: Perfectly Imperfect Performance in Pierce Gradone Automaton

Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)

1st Place: Ethan McKellar (Art), Mentors: John Sopper (Grogan College) and Patricia Wasserboehr (Art), Impermanence: Collision

2nd Place: Bailey Thompson(Chemistry); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The “Mental Health Crisis”: The Adolescent Need for Accessible Treatment Plans

3rd Place: Diana Angeles (Pre-Health Studies); Mentor: John Sopper (Grogan College), Factors Driving Hispanics in the USA to Avoid Professional Medical Care

Honorable Mentions: Eric Yan (Computer Science); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), The Effect of Historical Bias on the Portrayal of World War II Era Ground Vehicles in Pop Culture and Fiction; Asha Moore (Psychology); Mentor: Sara Littlejohn (Ashby College), Dependency, Dehumanization, and Insecurity: Analyzing Why Women Stay in Toxic Relationships

Download 2019 Program

Humanities and Social Sciences

1st Place: Courtney Phillips (Nursing), Faculty Mentor: Susan Letvak, Nurse Practitioner Knowledge and Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study

2nd Place: Vanessa Enoch (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Sudha Shreeniwas, Trauma and Abuse Experience and Elevated Scalp Hair Cortisol Concentrations Among SE Asian Refugees in the US South

3rd Place: Kaitlyn Chaplin (Communication Studies), Ariana Chavez (Classical Studies), and Brianna Rogers (Classical Studies), Faculty Mentor: Killian Manning, There’s No Place Like Homescreen

Education and Behavioral Sciences

1st Place: Itzel Avila Ramirez (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Michaeline Jensen, Do Ethnic-Racial Socialization Messages Manifest in Technological Communication Between Romantic Partners of Latinx Heritage?

2nd Place: Sarah Ragab (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Michael Hemphill, The Transfer of Global Applications of Sport for Positive Youth Development

3rd Place: Brianna Ferraro (Specialized Education Services), Faculty Mentor: Roy Schwartzman, From Accommodation to Invitation: Roles Communication Centers Play in Acknowledging and Empowering People with Disabilities

Honorable Mention: Morgan Bryant (Interior Architecture), Faculty Mentor: Travis Hicks, The Ancillary Office: The Effects of Biophilia and Ergonomic Solutions within the Workplace; Aran Garnett-Deakin (Human Development and Family Studies) and Rachel Fuqua (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Heather Helms, A Meta-Analytic Review of the Associations between Marital Dissolution and Anxiety

Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences

1st Place: Ayesha Ejaz (Chemistry), Faculty Mentor: Liam Duffy, Simulating a Microchip-based Stark Guide and Decelerator using Simion

2nd Place: Quashawn Chadwick (Biology & Biochemistry), Faculty Mentor: Ayalew Osena, Transgenic Tobacco with Archaeal Heat Stress Resistance

3rd Place: Ekaterina Ellyce San Pedro (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Yashomati Patel, Effect of the Regulatory Light Chain of MyosinII on Glut 4 Translocation to the Plasma Membrane


1st Place: Michael Newman (Theatre), Jordan Speas (Theatre), Steve Williams (Theatre), Auntais Faulkner (Theatre), Faculty Mentor: Denise Gabriel, MAMA (Mindfulness Arts Mindfulness Action)

Emerging Scholars (UNCG Residential College Students)

1st Place: Isabell Cooper (Environmental and Sustainability Studies), Faculty Mentor: John Sopper, An Interactive Map of Holistic Veterinary Medicine

2nd Place: Ryan Peace (Political Science), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse on Black Men

3rd Place: De’Viona Lowery (Consumer Apparel & Retail Studies), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, Cancel Culture: Destroyer of Celebrities but How Does It Affect You?

Honorable Mention: Belle Downing (Community and Therapeutic Recreation), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, How Recreation Therapy Can Improve the Quality of Lives within Human Trafficking Survivors; Sydney Chamberlain (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Sara Littlejohn, Cannibalism in Food Culture: Why Prions Need Regulation

Arts, Humanities and Education

1st Place: Sarah Duncan (Classical Studies), Faculty Mentor: Joanne Murphy, Akhenaten and Collapse in the Ancient State

2nd Place: Curran Fitzgerald (Antrhopology), Faculty Mentor: Donna Nash, Archaeoastronomical Analysis of Wari Ritual Spaces in the Osmore Valley, Peru

3rd Place: Dixie Ortiz (Music Education) and Jessica Lewis (Music), Faculty Mentor: Rebecca MacLeod, Near Peer Mentorship as a Model for Private Music Instruction

Honorable Mention: Joshua Kellum, Michael Newman, and Jordan Speas (Theatre), Faculty Mentors: Denise Gabriel, MAMA “Mindfulness Arts Mindful Actions”

Economics, Behavioral and Social Sciences

1st Place: Payton McGarry (Economics), Faculty Mentor: Stephen Holland UNCG and Intergenerational Mobility

2nd Place: Sierra Rufino (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Rosemery Nelson-Gray, Does Facial Emotion Recognition Affect Friendship?: Borderline Personality Disorder

3rd Place: Mengyun Li, Ruitong Li, Jessica Navarro, and Haley Morris (Human Development and Family Studies), Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Tudge, Developing Connective Gratitude: A Intervention Study

Honorable Mention: Dahlia Alharoon (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Paul Silvia, Daydreaming Styles and Brain Functional Connectivity; Jordan Richmond (International & Global Studies and Political Science), Faculty Mentors: Roberto Campo and Lynda Kellum, Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh: Sociocultural Underpinnings and Political Barriers to the 2016-2018 Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing Crisis; Alexus Threatt (Nursing), Faculty Mentors: Sandra Blaha and Leslie Davis, How Meditation Works: Understanding the Mechanisms Behind the Practice

Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences

1st Place: Saman Baral and Shilpa Bhatia (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Olav Rueppell, Virus Resistance in Honeybees

2nd Place: Amanda Barclift (Kinesiology), Faculty Mentor: Louisa Raisbeck, The Effects of Attentional Focus in a Fine Motor Skill and Task Difficulty Interaction

3rd Place: Manead Khin (Chiemistry), Faculty Mentor: Nadja Cech, Macleaya cordata as a potential cure for MRSA’

Honorable Mention: Mark Perez (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Faculty Mentors: Mitchell Croatt and Mohammed Al-Hunti, Palladium Catalyzed Deoxygenation of Alcohols

Humanities, Business, Behavioral and Social Sciences

1st Place: Elexis Cole and Anna Sizemore (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Thanujeni Pathman, Autobiographical Memory Narratives and the Developing Brain

2nd Place: Sarah Pittman (Archaeology), Faculty Mentor: Joanne Murphy, Testing Survey Validity and Recreating Site Function in the Kea Archaeological Research Survey

3rd Place: Natalia Husby (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Gabriela Stein, Examining the Effects of Foreign-Based Discrimination on Academic Motivation of Latino Adolescents

Honorable Mention: Amanda Baeten (Psychology), Faculty Mentor: Blair Wisco, The Association between Co-rumination and Social Anxiety in an Adult Sample

Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences

1st Place: Nadjali Chung (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Faculty Mentor: Nadja Cech, Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Monitor Bacterial Growth

2nd Place: Cory Henderson (Anthropology and Biology), Faculty Mentor: Charles Egeland, Patterns of Hominin Land- Use and Raw Material Procurement in the Paleo-Olduvai Basin, Tanzania

3rd Place: JD Manzo and Ashley Sanchez (Kinesiology), Faculty Mentor: Christopher Rhea, Virtual Reality Obstacle Crossing Training for Potential Rehabilitative Advancements

Honorable Mention: Aaron Wagoner (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Matina Kalcounis-Ruppell, Monitoring Wildlife Biodiversity at Wetland Restoration Sites on the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) Campus; Eni Minerali (Biology), Faculty Mentor: Kimberly Petersen, Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantioenriched Cyclic Compounds

Health and Behavioral Sciences

1st Place: Rose Ewald and Sarah Howle, Mentor: Lauren Haldeman, Hypertension and Obesity in Low-Income, Immigrant, and Minority Adolescents

2nd Place: Fizah Zafar, Mentor: Dayna Touron, Does stereotype threat contribute to older adults’ avoidance of memory strategies?

Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences

1st Place: Elizabeth Wilson, Mentor: Linda Stine, Postbellum Agrarian Life: The Archaeology of Family, Self-reliance, and Thrift

2nd Place: Phillip Sheldon, Mentor: Gregory Grieve, Constantine’s Memory: Metaphor, Liturgy, and a Processional in the Forum of Constantine

3rd Place: Alaina Monts, Mentor: Sarah Cervenak, Don’t let me be Misunderstood: Meshell Ndegeocello, Liminality, and Radical Black Sexualities

Honorable Mention: Shannon Keller, Mentor: Maria Lim, A Case Study on relationships between Choice-based Art Education and Student’s Creative Thinking; Zoe Fishman, Mentor: Ray Schwartzman, Poems of the Holocaust: Tattooing the Truth; Marissa Server, Mentor: Jonathan Zarecki, Internal and External Motivations of the Late Republican Mob


1st Place: Nadjali Chung, Mentor: Nadja Cech, Glycerol as an Extraction Solvent for Botanical Extracts of Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)

2nd Place: Louis Sulit, Mentor: Karen Katula, Does Wnt5a transcript levels correlate with epigenetic profiles in HepG2 and Caco-2 cell lines?

3rd Place: Eni Minerali and Jennifer Wilent, Mentor: Kimberly Petersen, Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantioenriched Lactams

Honorable Mention: Osbin Perdomo and Sunbin Deng, Mentor: Alice Haddy, Comparison of PSII salt washing methods and their effects on oxygen evolution activity

Visual Arts

1st Place: Quinn Hunter, Mentor: Nikki Blair and Amy Purcell, My Inheritance 

2nd Place: Margaret Bailey, Mentor: Amy Purcell, The Art of Rebranding

3rd Place: Isaac Smith, Mentor: Amy Purcell, Social Circle – Web Project

Honorable Mention: Sarah Kim, Artist in Residence (AiR), Vulnerability

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